It’s the most wonderful time of the year…so the song goes.
It’s also a very stressful time, especially if you are trying to write a book. We writers often feel that the very act of writing is selfish, because it demands a lot of alone time, and we aren’t available to friends and family when we write. During the holidays it’s especially tough to balance this sense of guilt with the need to do what we do.
Please be kind to yourself and enjoy the break that the holidays will inevitably impose on you. Time does fly by–children grow up, siblings get jobs in the far corners of the planet, grandparents pass away. Blink and the baby is off to college.
You’ll get your writing done, I promise. We’ll be here for you at Apollo Grannus when you wake up on January 1 and realize that you haven’t written much over the past month. It’s fine–and you’ll be fine. Have a wonderful holiday season!