It’s November! And for many of us in the colder climes, it’s dark, cold, and none too pretty outside. But the great thing about November is…NaNoWriMo!
Are you working on a novel this month? Does National Novel Writing Month inspire you, or does it deflate you? And who in heck ever writes a novel in thirty days, right?
Well, here at Apollo Grannus Books, we cheer for everyone who undertakes the ambitious goal of writing a novel in thirty days. The commitment is admirable, and the seat-in-chair gumption that it takes to reach this goal is proof that writing isn’t just a talent that only certain people are born with. Writing takes work, and one part of the equation is the willingness to sit in that chair day after day, whether you are “feeling it” or not.
If you’re working on a NaNoWriMo project, then good for you! Here is some helpful advice from Shawn Coyne on the Story Grid podcast. You can use Story Grid tools to plan your novel, believe it or not!
And when you’re done? What do you do with that hot mess of a manuscript? Here’s a great article from Story Grid Certified Editors Julie Blair and Shelley Sperry. You probably won’t want to upload that novel to just yet, but don’t worry, there is help for you! We suggest that you take a look at the articles on the Story Grid website–there’s a lot there!